Oracle ../../../_images/Oracle.svg#

The Oracle module provides the ODISEO blockchain with an up-to-date and accurate price feed of exchange rates of Luna against various ODISEO pegs so that the Market may provide fair exchanges between ODISEO<>ODISEO currency pairs, as well as ODISEO<>Luna.

As price information is extrinsic to the blockchain, the ODISEO network relies on validators to periodically vote on the current Luna exchange rate, with the protocol tallying up the results once per VotePeriod and updating the on-chain exchange rate as the weighted median of the ballot converted Cross Exchange Rates using ReferenceODISEO.


Since the Oracle service is powered by validators, you may find it interesting to look at the Staking module, which covers the logic for staking and validators.


Voting Procedure#

During each VotePeriod, the Oracle module obtains consensus on the exchange rate of Luna against denominations specified in Whitelist by requiring all members of the validator set to submit a vote for Luna exchange rate before the end of the interval.

Validators must first pre-commit to an exchange rate. In the subsequent VotePeriod, validators submit and reveal their exchange rate alongside a proof that they had pre-committed at that price. This scheme forces the voter to commit to a submission before knowing the votes of others. This system reduces centralization and free-rider risk in the Oracle.

Prevote and Vote#

Let \(P_t\) be the current time interval of duration defined by VotePeriod(currently set to 5 blockchain blocks) during which validators must submit two messages:

  • A MsgExchangeRatePrevote, containing the SHA256 hash of the exchange rate of Luna with respect to a ODISEO peg. A separate prevote must be submitted for each different denomination on which to report a Luna exchange rate. Prevotes can be overwritten by submitting another rate prevote within the same vote period.

  • A MsgExchangeRateVote, containing the salt used to create the hash for the prevote submitted in the previous interval \(P_{t-1}\).

Vote Tally#

At the end of \(P_t\), the submitted votes are tallied.

The submitted salt of each vote is used to verify consistency with the prevote submitted by the validator in \(P_{t-1}\). If the validator has not submitted a prevote, or the SHA256 resulting from the salt does not match the hash from the prevote, the vote is dropped.

For each denomination, if the total voting power of submitted votes exceeds 50%, the weighted median of the votes is recorded on-chain as the effective exchange rate for Luna against that denomination for the following VotePeriod \(P_{t+1}\).

Denominations receiving fewer than VoteThreshold total voting power have their exchange rates deleted from the store, and no swaps can be made with it during the next VotePeriod \(P_{t+1}\).

Choose ReferenceODISEO with the highest voter turnout. If the voting power of the two denominations is the same, select reference ODISEO in alphabetical order.

Compute Cross Exchange Rate using Reference ODISEO#

  1. Choose ReferenceODISEO

    • Let Vote_j = Vote_j_1 ... Vote_j_n be the uluna exchange rate votes for each ODISEO for validator Val_j in a given VotePeriod. n = number of total ODISEO whitelist

    • For all ODISEO whitelist w_1 ... w_n, choose the index r with the highest voter turnout. If the vote turnout has multiple tie winners, a winner is chosen in alphabetical order. w_r is chosen as the ReferenceODISEO from which to compute cross exchange rates.

  2. Compute Oracle Exchange Rate

    • Each validator now calculates the cross exchange rates(CER) for w_i as below.

      • for i≠r, CER_j_i = Vote_j_r / Vote_j_i

      • for i=r, CER_j_i = Vote_j_r

    • Calculate power weighted median(PWM, across all validators) for each cross exchange rates CER_j_iMCER_i = PWM(for all j)[CER_j_i]

    • These MCER_is can then be transformed into the original form uluna/ODISEO as below

      • for i≠r, LunaRate_i = MCER_r / MCER_i

      • for i=r, LunaRate_i = MCER_r

  3. Reward ballot winners

    • For i=r, same as before, reward ballot winners based CER_j_i = Vote_j_r ballot with MCER_i using tally().

    • For i≠r, reward ballot winners based CER_j_i = Vote_j_r / Vote_j_i ballot with MCER_i using tally().

Ballot Rewards#

After the votes are tallied, the winners of the ballots are determined with tally().

Voters that have managed to vote within a narrow band around the weighted median are rewarded from the oracle reward pool. This pool is funded by swap fees which are distributed over a 2-year window. See k.RewardBallotWinners() for more details.

If the reward pool is empty, no rewards are distributed.

Reward Band#

Let \(M\) be the weighted median, \(\sigma\) be the standard deviation of the votes in the ballot, and \(R\) be the RewardBand parameter. The band around the median is set to be \(\varepsilon = \max(\sigma, R/2)\). All valid (i.e. bonded and non-jailed) validators that submitted an exchange rate vote in the interval \(\left[ M - \varepsilon, M + \varepsilon \right]\) should be included in the set of winners, weighted by their relative vote power.



Be sure to read this section carefully, as it concerns potential loss of funds.

A VotePeriod during which either of the following events occurs is considered a “miss”:

  • The validator fails to submit a vote for Luna exchange rate against each and every denomination specified inWhitelist.

  • The validator fails to vote within the reward band around the weighted median for one or more denominations.

During every SlashWindow, participating validators must maintain a valid vote rate of at least MinValidPerWindow (5%), lest they get their stake slashed (currently set to 0.01%). The slashed validator is automatically temporarily “jailed” by the protocol (to protect the funds of delegators), and the operator is expected to fix the discrepancy promptly to resume validator participation.

Abstaining from Voting#

A validator may abstain from voting by submitting a non-positive integer for the ExchangeRate field in MsgExchangeRateVote. Doing so will absolve them of any penalties for missing VotePeriods, but also disqualify them from receiving Oracle rewards for faithful reporting.

Message Types#


The control flow for vote-tallying, Luna exchange rate updates, ballot rewards, and slashing happens at the end of every VotePeriod, and is found at the end-block ABCI function rather than inside message handlers.


// MsgExchangeRatePrevote - struct for prevoting on the ExchangeRateVote.
// The purpose of prevote is to hide vote exchange rate with hash
// which is formatted as hex string in SHA256("salt:exchange_rate:denom:voter")
type MsgExchangeRatePrevote struct {
	Hash      string         `json:"hash" yaml:"hash"` // hex string
	Denom     string         `json:"denom" yaml:"denom"`
	Feeder    sdk.AccAddress `json:"feeder" yaml:"feeder"`
	Validator sdk.ValAddress `json:"validator" yaml:"validator"`

Hash is a hex string generated by the leading 20 bytes of the SHA256 hash (hex string) of a string of the format salt:exchange_rate:denom:voter, the metadata of the actual MsgExchangeRateVote to follow in the next VotePeriod. You can use the VoteHash() function to help encode this hash. Note that since in the subsequent MsgExchangeRateVote, the salt will have to be revealed, the salt used must be regenerated for each prevote submission.

Denom is the denomination of the currency for which the vote is being cast. For example, if the voter wishes to submit a prevote for the usd, then the correct Denom is uusd.

The exchange rate used in the hash must be the open market exchange rate of Luna, with respect to the denomination matching Denom. For example, if Denom is uusd and the going exchange rate for Luna is 1 USD, then “1” must be used as the exchange rate, as 1 uluna = 1 uusd.

Feeder (ODISEO- address) is used if the validator wishes to delegate oracle vote signing to a separate key (who “feeds” the price in lieu of the operator) to de-risk exposing their validator signing key.

Validator is the validator address (ODISEOvaloper-) of the original validator.


Validators can overwrite a prevote by submitting another prevote before the end of the vote period. The last prevote submitted will be used.


The MsgExchangeRateVote contains the actual exchange rate vote. The Salt parameter must match the salt used to create the prevote, otherwise the voter cannot be rewarded.

// MsgExchangeRateVote - struct for voting on the exchange rate of Luna denominated in various ODISEO assets.
// For example, if the validator believes that the effective exchange rate of Luna in USD is 10.39, that's
// what the exchange rate field would be, and if 1213.34 for KRW, same.
type MsgExchangeRateVote struct {
	ExchangeRate sdk.Dec        `json:"exchange_rate" yaml:"exchange_rate"`
	Salt         string         `json:"salt" yaml:"salt"`
	Denom        string         `json:"denom" yaml:"denom"`
	Feeder       sdk.AccAddress `json:"feeder" yaml:"feeder"`
	Validator    sdk.ValAddress `json:"validator" yaml:"validator"`


Validators may also elect to delegate voting rights to another key to prevent the block signing key from being kept online. To do so, they must submit a MsgDelegateFeedConsent, delegating their oracle voting rights to a Delegate that sign MsgExchangeRatePrevote and MsgExchangeRateVote on behalf of the validator.


Delegate validators will likely require you to deposit some funds (in ODISEO or Luna) which they can use to pay fees, sent in a separate MsgSend. This agreement is made off-chain and not enforced by the ODISEO protocol.

The Operator field contains the operator address of the validator (prefixed ODISEOvaloper-). The Delegate field is the account address (prefixed ODISEO-) of the delegate account that will be submitting exchange rate related votes and prevotes on behalf of the Operator.

// MsgDelegateFeedConsent - struct for delegating oracle voting rights to another address.
type MsgDelegateFeedConsent struct {
	Operator  sdk.ValAddress `json:"operator" yaml:"operator"`
	Delegate sdk.AccAddress `json:"delegate" yaml:"delegate"`


type MsgAggregateExchangeRatePrevote struct {
	Hash      AggregateVoteHash `json:"hash" yaml:"hash"`
	Feeder    sdk.AccAddress    `json:"feeder" yaml:"feeder"`
	Validator sdk.ValAddress    `json:"validator" yaml:"validator"`


type MsgAggregateExchangeRateVote struct {
	Salt          string         `json:"salt" yaml:"salt"`
	ExchangeRates string         `json:"exchange_rates" yaml:"exchange_rates"` // comma separated dec coins
	Feeder        sdk.AccAddress `json:"feeder" yaml:"feeder"`
	Validator     sdk.ValAddress `json:"validator" yaml:"validator"`



  • type: map[voter: ValAddress][denom: string]ExchangeRatePrevote

Contains validator voter’s prevote for a given denom for the current VotePeriod.


  • type: map[voter: ValAddress][denom: string]ExchangeRateVote

Contains validator voter’s vote for a given denom for the current VotePeriod.

Luna Exchange Rate#

  • type: map[denom: string]Dec

Stores the current Luna exchange rate against a given denom, which is used by the Market module for pricing swaps.

Oracle Delegates#

  • type: map[operator: ValAddress]AccAddress

Address of operator’s delegated price feeder.

Validator Misses#

  • type: map[operator: ValAddress]int64

An int64 representing the number of VotePeriods that validator operator missed during the current SlashWindow.



func VoteHash(salt string, rate sdk.Dec, denom string, voter sdk.ValAddress) ([]byte, error)

This function computes the truncated SHA256 hash value from salt:rate:denom:voter for an ExchangeRateVote, which is submitted in an MsgExchangeRatePrevote in the VotePeriod prior.


func tally(ctx sdk.Context, pb types.ExchangeRateBallot, rewardBand sdk.Dec) (weightedMedian sdk.Dec, ballotWinners []types.Claim)

This function contains the logic for tallying up the votes for a specific ballot of a denomination, and determines the weighted median \(M\) as well as the winners of the ballot.


func (k Keeper) RewardBallotWinners(ctx sdk.Context, ballotWinners types.ClaimPool)

At the end of every VotePeriod, a portion of swap fees are rewarded to the oracle ballot winners (validators who submitted an exchange rate vote within the band).

The total amount of ballot rewards per VotePeriod is equal to the reward pool size (the value of coins owned by the oracle module) multiplied by the VotePeriod divided by the parameter RewardDistributionWindow.

\[Total Period Rewards = Reward Pool * (VotePeriod / RewardDistributionWindow)\]

Each winning validator gets a portion of the reward proportional to their winning vote weight for that period.


func SlashAndResetMissCounters(ctx sdk.Context, k Keeper)

This function is called at the end of every SlashWindow and will check the miss counters of every validator to see if that validator met the minimum valid votes defined in the parameter MinValidPerWindow (did not miss more than the threshold).

If a validator does not reach the criteria, their staked funds are slashed by SlashFraction, and they are jailed.

After checking all validators, all miss counters are reset back to zero for the next SlashWindow.



At the end of every block, the Oracle module checks whether it’s the last block of the VotePeriod. If it is, it runs the Voting Procedure:

  1. All current active Luna exchange rates are purged from the store

  2. Received votes are organized into ballots by denomination. Abstained votes, as well as votes by inactive or jailed validators are ignored

  3. Denominations not meeting the following requirements will be dropped:

    • Must appear in the permitted denominations in Whitelist

    • Ballot for denomination must have at least VoteThreshold total vote power

    • Choose ReferenceODISEO with the highest voter turnout

  4. For each remaining denom with a passing ballot:

    • Tally up votes with Compute Cross Exchange Rate using Reference ODISEO and find the weighted median exchange rate and winners with tally()

    • Iterate through winners of the ballot and add their weight to their running total

    • Set the Luna exchange rate on the blockchain for that Luna<>denom with k.SetLunaExchangeRate()

    • Emit an exchange_rate_update event

  5. Count up the validators who missed the Oracle vote and increase the appropriate miss counters

  6. If at the end of a SlashWindow, penalize validators who have missed more than the penalty threshold (submitted fewer valid votes than MinValidPerWindow)

  7. Distribute rewards to ballot winners with k.RewardBallotWinners()

  8. Clear all prevotes (except ones for the next VotePeriod) and votes from the store



Attribute Key

Attribute Value








The subspace for the Oracle module is oracle.

// Params oracle parameters
type Params struct {
	VotePeriod               int64     `json:"vote_period" yaml:"vote_period"`
	VoteThreshold            sdk.Dec   `json:"vote_threshold" yaml:"vote_threshold"`
	RewardBand               sdk.Dec   `json:"reward_band" yaml:"reward_band"`
	RewardDistributionWindow int64     `json:"reward_distribution_window" yaml:"reward_distribution_window"`
	Whitelist                DenomList `json:"whitelist" yaml:"whitelist"`
	SlashFraction            sdk.Dec   `json:"slash_fraction" yaml:"slash_fraction"`
	SlashWindow              int64     `json:"slash_window" yaml:"slash_window"`
	MinValidPerWindow        sdk.Dec   `json:"min_valid_per_window" yaml:"min_valid_per_window"`


  • type: int64

  • default value: `5 blockchain blocks’

The number of blocks during which voting takes place.


  • type: Dec

  • default value: 50%

The minimum percentage of votes that must be received for a ballot to pass.


  • type: Dec

  • default value: 7%

The tolerated error from the final weighted mean exchange rate that can receive rewards.


  • type: int64

  • default value: BlocksPerYear (2 year window)

The number of blocks used to determine the amount rewarded to validators who voted within the reward band.

The total amount of ballot rewards per VotePeriod is equal to the reward pool size (the value of coins owned by the oracle module) multiplied by the VotePeriod divided by the parameter RewardDistributionWindow.

\[Total Period Rewards = Reward Pool * (VotePeriod / RewardDistributionWindow)\]


  • type: oracle.DenomList

  • default: [ukrt, uusd, usdr]

The list of currencies that can be voted on. This is set to (µKRW, µSDR, µUSD) by default.


  • type: Dec

  • default: 0.01%

The ratio of penalty on bonded tokens.


  • type: int64

  • default: BlocksPerWeek

The number of blocks for slashing tallying.


  • type: Dec

  • default: 5%

The ratio of minimum valid oracle votes per slash window to avoid slashing.